
Vandenbroek LM. Lost Our Lease: Issue Attention and Partisan Defection in the 2008 Presidential Election. American Politics Research. 2011;39 (6) :1045-1071.
Harbridge L, Malhotra N. Electoral Incentives and Partisan Conflict in Congress: Evidence from Survey Experiments. American Journal of Political Science. 2011;55 (3) :494-510. Publisher's Version
The Trusted Leader:  Building the Relationships That Make Government Work, 2nd edition
Newell T, Reeher G, Ronayne P. The Trusted Leader: Building the Relationships That Make Government Work, 2nd edition. CQ Press College; 2011.
Gerber AS, Huber GA, Doherty D, Dowling C. Personality Traits in the Political Arena. Annual Review of Political Science. 2011;14 :265-87.
Doherty D, Dowling C, Miller M. Are Financial or Moral Scandals Worse? It Depends. PS: Political Science and Politics. 2011;44 :749-757.
Gerber AS, Huber GA, Doherty D, Dowling C. Policy Confidence and Electoral Punishment: A New Dimension for Understanding Electoral Accountability. Journal of Politics. 2011;74 :1206-1224.
Lawrence E, Binder S, Maltzman F. The Impact of Party Cues on Citizen Evaluations of Senators. Congress and the Presidency. 2011;38 (1) :1-15.
Greene J, Persily N, Ansolabehere S. Profiling Originalism. Columbia Law Review. 2011;111 (2) :356-418.
Zigerell LJ. You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: List Experiment Misreporting. Social Science Quarterly. 2011;92 (2) :552-62.
Newell T, Reeher G, Ronayne P. Introduction. In: The Trusted Leader: Building the Relationships that Make Government Work, 2nd ed. Washington, D.C. Congressional Quarterly Press ; 2011.
Sides J. What’s So Amazing about Really Deep Thoughts? Cognitive Style and Political Misperceptions, in MPSA Annual Conference. Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association ; 2011. Full Text
Raja RJL. Does Transparency of Political Activity Have a Chilling Effect on Participation?, in MPSA Annual Conference. Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association ; 2011. Full Text
Barakso M. The Political Consequences of Internal Dissent in Advocacy Groups: The AMA, Public Opinion and Health Care Reform, in MPSA Annual Conference. Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association ; 2011. Full Text
Hersh E, Schaffner B. When Pandering is Not Persuasive, in MPSA Annual Conference. Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association ; 2011. Full Text
Schaffner B. Racial Salience and the Obama Vote. Political Psychology. 2011;32 (6) :963-988. Website Full Text
Eckles DL, Schaffner B. Risk Tolerance and Support for Potential Military Interventions. Public Opinion Quarterly. 2011;75 (3) :533-544. Website Full Text
Raja RLJ, Schaffner B. Explaining the Unpopularity of Public Funding for Congressional Elections. Electoral Studies. 2011;30 (3) :525–533. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This article uses data from the 2008 Cooperative Congressional Election Study to explain weak support for public financing of congressional campaigns. Previous studies lack theory to explain variation in support and use a flawed measure of the dependent variable. We argue that low support reflects a failure resulting from a collective action dilemma. Citizens desire a campaign finance system that weans politicians from private donors, but are unwilling to pay a small amount in taxes to support public financing. In contrast to conventional wisdom, we show that support for public financing is highest among those perceived to benefit the most from the current system. Our results suggest that most Americans would rather not pay for politics, and that reform proposals must avoid incurring transparent costs on individual citizens to pay for reform.
Full Text
McDonald I. Migration and Sorting in the American Electorate: Evidence from the 2006 Cooperative Congressional Election Study. American Politics Research. 2011;39 (3) :512-33.
Fridkin K, Kenney P. Variability in Citizens' Reactions to Different Types of Negative Campaigns. American Journal of Political Science. 2011;55 (2) :307-25.
Jacoby WJ. Measuring Value Choices: Are Rank Orders Valid Indicators?, in Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago ; 2011. Full Text
