Announcing the 2019 Cooperative Congressional Election Study

April 24, 2019

There is power in numbers. Starting in 2006, a consortium of 39 universities came together to create the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, the first truly large-scale academic survey project aimed at studying the midterm Congressional elections.   The study has continued every year thereafter, and continues to involve teams of researchers from across the country.   Our joint efforts have produced national sample surveys in every federal election since, including 55,000 person samples in 2010 and 2012.   The CCES is coordinated by Professor Stephen Ansolabehere of Harvard University, Professor Brian Schaffner of Tufts University, and Sam Luks of YouGov. YouGov conducts and distributes the surveys.


We invite you to join this unique project for 2019.



We plan a national sample stratified by state and type of district, which permits the optimal study of congressional and state races and state politics. The sample design also an ideal setting for understanding the relationship between the congressional and Presidential elections. For 2019, the survey will consist of a single 20-minute survey (10 minutes of Common Content, 10 minutes of team content).



Half of the survey content will be Common Content, administered to all survey respondents, and half of the content will be team content, administered to 1,000 respondents for each team. The CCES Planning Group will design the Common Content. Common Content consists of a battery of questions asked of all respondents to capture commonly asked questions, such as vote choice, as well as a handful of items for which it is uniquely advantageous to have a very large sample. Each team will design its own team content.



The project will deliver a 1,000-person survey covering your team’s content; a Common Content survey that consists of a subset of questions asked of all subjects.



The cost of the study is $13,000 for a 1,000-person sample. Additional cases can be purchased for $10 per case. To join the study, please contact the project administrator, Armelle Bernard (  If you know of other researchers who would like to join this collaboration, please send us their contact information.



Team questionnaires must be submitted by August 1, 2019. The study will be fielded in one wave in November 2019. Survey data will be delivered by March 2020.



More information and announcements can be found at


At YouGov, contact Sam Luks for further information about the technical details of the survey itself, For general questions, please contact Armelle Bernard  at